Wednesday 3 September 2014

Original Volunteers- MOROCCO

My experience with original volunteers


(Check the youtube video down bellow) 

             What members of staff do you remember the most and why?
Fatima- because she was always so helpful, she would take us to projects and help translate to the children when we needed to explain the rules of the game. She also took us to the berber village which was an overnight stay and climbed the mountain with me because the other volunteers didn't want to go. I will definitely stay in touch with her through Facebook. 

What were your impressions of the accommodation?
I stayed in Riad 4 and I thought the accommodation was better than I expected, my room was really big and I shared it with 2 other girls. The kitchen was great but then again I didn't spend much time there as I mainly ate outside. The toilets on my floor was not in the best conditions so I used to always go to the upstairs toilet which was perfectly fine. I really liked the living room it brought everyone in the house together which was a good way to get to know the roommates after a long day out. The third floor was the roof top which was really nice although I didn't spend much time up there. And finally I'm sure everyone would be happy that there is WIFI, so you don't really have to buy a sim card because you can keep in touch with your family through Whatsapp and FaceTime which is how I kept in touch with my family.

Why did you want to volunteer?
I wanted to volunteer because it would be a great experience for me to go to a different country and make a difference in someone else's life. 
Do you feel you made a difference?
I definitely feel like I made a difference I got to know few children and play with them. I brought them toys to play with and a few clothes for them which they were very excited about. I became really close with one of the girls in the orphanage and she gave me the biggest hug and kiss after I left.

What did you do for fun? 
My idea of of fun is going shopping in the souks, even tho it was CRAZY there was so much stuff I wanted to buy and I became so good at haggling, they always start with a ridiculous price and you have to try and bring the price down.
When was your most enjoyable experience?
Berber House, I absolutely loved it and would definitely want to come back and stay their longer. It was so peaceful compared to Marrakech and with no wifi I had the chance to enjoy the little things. I had an overnight stay and the house was so beautiful and clean. the first day I made a Tajine , then we had a nice long walk and as soon as we got home and had some rest we had a tea competition where the loser (ME ) had to sing in front f the group (I sang happy birthday lol) and the winner was awarded a certificate and won a tea pot which was really nice. The second day early in the morning I climbed the mountain which was so worth it because the view was beautiful. 

Who did you make friends with and for what reasons?
I made good friends with my roommate as we arrived in the same day and stayed in the same room, we also went to the berber village together. I also got to know the other roommates and would go and have dinner with them after our project was finished. Everyone in my riad was really nice and welcoming on my first day and tried to involve me in the fun activities they were taking part in. 

What were the names of the best places to hang out and socialise, why was this?
I think the living room was a great place to hang out because it was really big you can just relax with your pyjamas and get to know the other roommates. The wifi was also really good in the living room so we can watch movies late at night 
Would you consider going again or perhaps to another project with Original Volunteers?
I really want to go back and volunteer in Morocco but this time for longer. However I want to experience volunteering in another country. So I haven't made up my mind where to go next.  
What would you say/recommend to a friend who was interested in volunteering?
Do it!.... it was the best experience ever and I know you'll love it.  My friends and cousins were so interested in it after I spoke to them and they are all thinking about doing the same thing. 
What items would you suggest future volunteers pack?
Sun Cream, summer hat, sun glasses, wet wipes, toys and clothes for the children ( the children LOVE skipping ropes, bubbles and face paints) and bring light clothing don't bring jeans. Also bring a chew toy for the babies orphanage, one of the babies was teething and there was no chew toys so she was chewing any toy we gave her.

How much money would you suggest you take per week?
£150 ( I done a lot of shopping)
Could you offer any tips to future volunteers?
Bring skipping ropes especially for the girls orphanage they were so excited and surprised when I told them they can keep it. Get to know know your roommates it would make your experience there more fun. Make sure you go to the berber village it was the best experience ever.